Last updated: February 18, 2025
**CWDG deadline extended 2 weeks**
Round 3 of the CWDG program opened on November 21st, 2024 and will be open an additional 2 weeks. Round 3 applications are now due by 11:59 ET on March 14th, 2025.
Please reach out to Sarah Saarloos with any questions about applicant or project idea eligibility.
The Community Wildfire Defense Grants (CWDG) are intended to help at-risk local communities, local governments, Tribes, non-profits, State forestry agencies, and Alaska Native Corporations plan and work to reduce the risk against wildfire. The CWDG program is available from the USDA Forest Service through the State of Alaska, Division of Forestry & Fire Protection. The grants are funded through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.
Rounds 1 & 2 have been finalized and awards have been disbursed.
The CWDG portal will be open for 100 days for Round 3, and the anticipated funding amount available for Round 3 is $200 million.
5/15/24 Press release: Alaska applicants awarded funding in CWDG Round 2.
Round 2 Awarded Application Project Description.
Eligibility: The grants are only for eligible projects developed by communities, Tribes, states, non-profits, and Alaska Native Corporations. Communities will receive priority for this program if they are a low-income area, recently impacted by disaster or in a wildfire hazard location.
For Round 3, the CWDG tool will only use the low-income criteria for cost-share waiver eligibility. This change was implemented in February 2025, partway through the Round 3 application period.
Due to this change the application deadline has been extended to March 14, 2025.
Applications will be accepted until 11:59 p.m. Eastern Standard Time on March 14, 2025.
There are two categories of projects that can be applied for and will be evaluated separately:
- For Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP) Development or Revision: One of the fundamental building blocks in creating a fire adapted community is the development, adoption and continuous use of a well-prepared CWPP. In some cases, a community may choose to utilize a FEMA-approved hazard mitigation plan or Tribal hazard mitigation plan with a wildfire component that meets the same objectives of a CWPP.
- For project implementation: The project must be described in a Community Wildfire Protection Plan that is not more than 10-years old.
- Funding is not available for fire suppression training, equipment, or supplies.
Individual grants will fund up to $250,000 to create and update community wildfire protection plans or conduct outreach and education, and up to $10 million for associated infrastructure and resilience projects. Projects must be completed within five years of the award obligation.
The DOF hosted an Alaskan Applicant Informational webinar on 9/12. The webinar recording can be viewed here:
The slide deck used for the webinar presentation can be found here:
- CWDG Alaska Webinar (PPTX)
- CWDG Alaska Webinar (PDF)
Round 3 Resources:
The Forest Service will be offering periodic "office hours" for applicants throughout the application period. Office Hours will not be recorded. Registration is not required.
You'll need to enter the six digit passcode below to join the online meeting.
The following is the office hours schedule:
Feb 19: 2-4 p.m. ET/12-2 p.m. MT
Feb 26: 3-5 p.m. ET/1-3 p.m. MT
Mar 05: 2-4pm ET/noon-2 pm MT
To join the Office Hours Zoom Meeting at the dates and times listed above, go to
Meeting ID: 849 7031 2284
Passcode: 528561
To join by phone, call
+17193594580,,84970312284# US
+17207072699,,84970312284# US (Denver)
How to Apply for the Community Wildfire Defense Grant Program
- Important: Applicants must register in to apply for a grant. Organizations must have an active registration with the System for Award Management (, which will generate a Unique Entity Identifier (UEI). Creating a SAM registration may take several weeks or more to complete. Therefore, ensure you apply for your SAM registration promptly.
- To receive a unique link to the application portal, contact the Point of Contact (POC) listed in the NOFO. For the State of Alaska, the contact is
Important Resources:
- 2024-25 CWDG NOFO (PDF)
- Pre-Award Guide for Applicants from USDA Forest Service (PDF)
- CWDG Homepage
- CWDG grant application tool
- Wildfire Risk Assessment Resource
- CWDG application resource: 2022 Narrative examples
- GIS Data Instructions
- Community Wildfire Defense Grant Program AK Infographic (PDF)
- Downloadable Waiver Form (Word)
- State Forest Action Plan (FAP) (PDF)
- National Cohesive Wildland Fire Management Strategy
- Community Navigator Program
- Award Administration Guide
- CWDG Grant writing 101
We highly recommend viewing the recorded webinar(s) from USFS for Western States and/or Tribal application instructions. These webinars cover the application process, scoring criteria, and prioritization factors:
September 12th, 2023 CWDG Program Webinar for Applicants
August 10th, 2023 CWDG Program Webinar for Applicants
August 4th, 2023 CWDG Program Webinar for Applicants