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Western Wildland Urban Interface Grants

The National Fire Plan (NFP) is a long-term strategy for reducing the effects of catastrophic wildfires throughout the nation. The Division of Forestry & Fire Protection's NFP Program is implemented within the Division's Fire and Aviation Program through the existing USDA Forest Service, State, Private, and Tribal Forestry, State Fire Assistance Program.

Congress has provided increased funding assistance to states through the USDA Forest Service State and Private Forestry programs since 2001. The focus of much of this additional funding was mitigating risk in Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) areas. In the West, the State Fire Assistance (SFA) funding is available and awarded through a competitive process with emphasis on hazard fuel reduction, information and education, and community and homeowner action. This portion of the National Fire Plan was developed to assist interface communities manage the unique hazards they find around them. Long-term solutions to interface challenges require informing and educating people who live in these areas about what they and their local organizations can do to mitigate these hazards.

The 10-Year Comprehensive Strategy focuses on assisting people and communities in the WUI to moderate the threat of catastrophic fire through the four broad goals of improving prevention and suppression, reducing hazardous fuels, restoring fire-adapted ecosystems, and promoting community assistance. The Western States Wildland Urban Interface Grant may be used to apply for financial assistance towards hazardous fuels and educational projects within the four goals of: improved prevention, reduction of hazardous fuels, restoration of fire-adapted ecosystems and promotion of community assistance.

Entities eligible to apply for the Western Wildland Urban Interface Grants are state and local governments, native corporations and non-profits. Private citizens wishing to remove hazardous fuels on their property contact the Division of Forestry & Fire Protection Stewardship Program:

The 2023 Western WUI Grant Application period is now open. Please submit drafts to by November 30, 2023. Final application submissions are due by January 18, 2024. Refer to the 2023 links below to become familiar with the process.

2023 Grant Information

For more information contact: