Municipality of Anchorage
The Anchorage Street Tree Inventory covers public trees along streets, in municipal parks, and around public facilities. It was begun in 2009 and includes the species, size, condition, maintenance needs, and appraised value of each tree. All data is entered into the municipal Geographic Information System (GIS) and can be used by all city departments for planning purposes.
The Urban Forestry Management Plan provides goals and recommendations to expand and to improve the health and safety of the urban forest though strategic, cost effective practices. Municipality of Anchorage Urban Forestry Management Plan-Draft 3/2009 (PDF)
The Anchorage Forestland Assessment included mapping tree canopy over the entire municipality (1,955 square miles), quantifying the environmental services forests provide, and identifying threats to the health and sustainability of the forest. A public survey provided information about how a variety of individuals and organizations view and value forested lands and suggestions for how to conserve and manage Anchorage's forest resources. The management plan provides recommendations for preserving the condition and health of valuable forestlands and the vital benefits that they provide to both humans and wildlife. The Community Forestry Program funded the inventory, management plan, and forest assessment.
Anchorage Forestland Assessment and Management Plan (PDF)
Anchorage Bowl Canopy Assessment (PDF)
Anchorage Forestland Assessment and Management Plan Presentation (PDF)
Anchorage Municipal Forester, position vacant,
632 W 6th Avenue, Suite 630
Anchorage, AK 99501
City of Homer
The City has an inventory of public trees along streets, in municipal parks, and around public facilities. The inventory includes the species, size, condition, maintenance needs, and appraised value of each tree. The inventory is available to city departments through the Geographic Information System (GIS) and can be used by departments for planning purposes. The Community Forestry Program funded the inventory.
City of Homer
Angie Otteson, Parks Coordinator
Ketchikan Gateway Borough
The Borough has an inventory of the public trees along streets, in municipal parks, and around public facilities. The inventory includes the species, size, condition, maintenance needs, and appraised value of each tree. Inventory data is available to all departments through the borough's Geographic Information System (GIS) and can be used for planning purposes.
Inventory data and information provided by the public and city employees was used to write an Urban Forest Management Plan. The plan identifies practices that are efficient and cost effective and that maximize the many benefits that trees provide. It guides the city’s management of public trees through strategic, cost effective practices. The Community Forestry Program funded the inventory and management plan.
Ketchikan Gateway Borough Official Comprehensive Tree Plan 10/2012 (PDF)
Ketchikan Gateway Borough Public Works
Ed Schofield
Metlakatla Indian Community
The Metlakatla Indian Community (MIC) has an inventory of the public trees in parks, along streets and around public facilities. The inventory includes information about the species, size, location, maintenance needs and appraised value of each tree. The data is maintained in the MIC’s Geographic Information System and is available to all departments for planning purposes. The inventory data was used to create a Community Forest Management Plan that identifies goals and practices to help guide the ongoing commitment to maintaining and expanding a community forest that conveys many benefits to residents and visitors. The inventory and management plan were funded by the Community Forestry Program.
Metlakatla Community Forestry Management Plan (PDF)
Metlakatla Indian Community
Genelle Winter, Parks & Rec and Facilities Director
City & Borough of Sitka
The City has an inventory of city owned and maintained trees along streets, in parks, and around public facilities. The inventory identified more than 600 trees by species, size and condition, appraised value, and maintenance needs.
Inventory data and information provided by the public and city employees was used to write an Urban Forest Management Plan. The plan identifies practices that are efficient and cost effective and that maximize the many benefits that trees provide. It guides the city’s management of public trees through strategic, cost effective practices. The Sitka Assembly adopted the plan in 2013. The Community Forestry Program funded the inventory and management plan.
City and Borough of Sitka
Lynne Brandon, Parks Superintendent
Sitka Urban Forest Management Plan (PDF)
Sitka Tree and Landscape Committee
The seven-member committee, begun in 2001, has helped the City of Sitka complete a tree inventory and landscape plan. The group organizes projects to plant and care for trees. It has sponsored a landscape beautification contest and partnered with the local utility to produce a brochure on planting the right tree in the right place and mailed it to all customers.
Accomplishment Report (PDF)
Chairman Joe D'Arienzo
(907) 747-7448
City of Soldotna
The City has an inventory of the public trees along streets, in municipal parks, and around public facilities. The inventory includes the species, size, condition, maintenance needs, and appraised value of each tree. Inventory data is available to all departments through the borough's Geographic Information System (GIS) and can be used for planning purposes.
Inventory data and information provided by the public and city employees was used to write an Urban Forest Management Plan. The plan identifies practices that are efficient and cost effective and that maximize the many benefits that trees provide. It guides the city’s management of public trees through strategic, cost effective practices. The Community Forestry Program funded the inventory and management plan.
City of Soldotna
Andrew Carmichael, Parks Superintendent
907-262-3151, ext.21
Soldotna Urban Forest Management Plan (PDF)
City of Wasilla
The City has a tree inventory covering public trees along streets, in municipal parks, and around public facilities. It includes the species, size, condition, maintenance needs, and appraised value of each tree. All data is entered into the city's Geographic Information System (GIS) and can be used by departments for planning purposes.
Inventory data and information provided by the public and city employees was used to write an Urban Forest Management Plan. The plan identifies practices that are efficient and cost effective and that maximize the many benefits that trees provide. It guides the city’s management of public trees through strategic, cost effective practices. The Community Forestry Program funded the inventory and management plan.
City of Wasilla Urban Forestry Management Plan 10/2010 (PDF)
City of Wasilla
Department of Public Works
Keith Jones
Fairbanks Arbor Day Committee
Arbor Day Committee volunteers have organized tree-planting events in the Fairbanks area each year for over 30 years. In 2005, the committee was honored at the National Arbor Day Foundation's annual awards ceremony as a "program that best represents the spirit of the tree planters' holiday."
Fairbanks Arbor Day Committee
Jim Smith, member
The Juneau Urban Forestry Partnership

The Juneau Urban Forestry Partnership is a volunteer nonprofit group that promotes the selection, planting, and care of trees within Juneau. The group is composed of community members ranging from master gardeners and foresters to landscape architects and members at large. Juneau Urban Forestry Partnership organizes Arbor Day activities and other tree plantings, works with local schools and youth groups, and provides tree and forestry related information.
For more information, see the following publications:
- Juneau Urban Forestry Partnership brochure (PDF)
- Juneau Downtown Tree Guide (PDF)
- Evergreen Cemetery Tree Walk Brochure (PDF)
- Juneau Tree Walk Brochure (PDF)
- JUFP annual report (PDF)
- JUFP website:
- To be added to the email list, send a request to
City & Borough of Juneau
Parks Department
Kirk Duncan
(907) 586-5226
Other Communities
For information on how you can become involved in tree planting or other community forestry activities in your community, please contact the Alaska Community Forestry Program.