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BIF and FLUP Decision Documents

Best Interest Findings (BIFs)

Best Interest Findings (BIFs) satisfy AS 38.05.035(e), which requires a written Best Interest Finding be issued prior to a specific forest management action being taken. A preliminary Best Interest Finding addresses 1) “…the facts pertaining to the land, resources, or property, or interest in them, that the director finds are material to the determination and that are known to the director [or their delegates]…”, 2) applicable statutes and regulations, and 3) establishes which action the State determines to be in the best interest of the State.

Preliminary BIF documents are subject to public and agency review. BIFs may be reviewed either simultaneous to or before the review and adoption of a Forest Land Use Plan (if required). After BIF review and revision, the Division decides whether to adopt the BIF and go on with the sale, or to drop the sale.

Forest Land Use Plans (FLUPs)

The Division of Forestry & Fire Protection must prepare a Forest Land Use Plan (FLUP) for each proposed timber sale and personal use harvest area prior to harvesting. Only harvests of 10 acres or less or timber salvaged for land cleared for a nonforest use are exempt from this requirement. FLUPs present detailed information on the location, access, harvest methods, duration, and proposed reforestation for each sale.

All FLUPs must follow the principles of multiple use and sustained yield and consider non-timber uses and resources within the sale area.

FLUPs are subject to public and agency review. FLUPs may be reviewed either simultaneous to or following the review and adoption of a Best Interest Finding. After FLUP review and revision, the Division decides whether to adopt the FLUP and go on with the sale, or to drop the sale. (References: AS 38.05.112, AS 38.04.065(b), and AS 38.05.035(e)).

Available Best Interest Findings and Forest Land Use Plans