Five-Year Schedule of Timber Sales
Each of the Division of Forestry & Fire Protection's ten area offices prepares a Five-Year Schedule of Timber Sales every other year year. The Schedules give the public, timber industry, and other agencies an overview of the division's plans for timber sales. They summarize information on proposed timber harvest areas, timber sale access, and reforestation plans.
Five-Year Schedules are subject to public and agency review. The review helps identify issues to address in detailed timber sale planning. After review, DNR uses the schedules to decide where to proceed with timber sale planning. Generally, the Division may not offer a timber sale unless it has appeared on at least one of the two Five-Year Schedules preceding the sale. The law exempts sales of 160 acres or less, salvage sales, or emergency sales in areas with fire, insect, or other natural threats from this requirement. DNR's policy is to include all sales on the Five-Year Schedule preceding the sale whenever possible. All sales, including salvage sales and sales less than 160 acres, will appear on at least the Five-Year Schedule preceding the sale unless waiting for the Schedule will cause substantial losses of economic value on salvage sales, or preclude a local economic enterprise or forest management project that is in the state's best interest. (References: AS 38.05.113, AS 38.05.117, and 11 AAC 71.010)
Available Five Year Schedules of Timber Sales