Western Bark Beetle Initiative Grant Program
The Western Bark Beetle Initiative (WBBI) is a cost-share program designed to assist non-federal landowners statewide with bark beetle prevention, suppression, or restoration efforts.
A landowner must have a minimum of 5 acres to be eligible for this program. However, individual private landowners of multiple contiguous properties of less than 5 acres can pool their properties together to meet this minimum eligible acreage by submitting a package of individual WBBI applications for each property
The WBBI rules, application form, and related information are available at the links below. Please direct any questions about this funding to wbbi@alaska.gov or (907) 269-8460.
This funding cannot be used exclusively for the removal of hazard trees.
Please click the link that corresponds to your landowner status:
The application period for large acreage non-federal landowners is open!
Large acreage non-federal landowners are welcome to submit proposals for cost-share assistance. Please note, we are not accepting additional small individual private landowner applications at this time. Continue to check our website and social media for updates on this program. We appreciate all the interest this program has generated and hope to secure more funding in the future.